Sunday, December 12, 2010

Long Long Time.

Wow, it's been a really long time sense I last blogged.  I meant to blog earlier, but I've been busy and tired.  Where to begin?  I don't really know, so how about a little summary of here and there.  The field trip from last blog I mentioned was a dud, the ship didn't make it and they didn't call us, so the ship we went to see wasn't there, so there wasn't anything to see.  We drove like 3 hours for nothing.  But I enjoyed being able to see more of Belize and a break from school.  Ha ha, which I could really use another break, a long one!  And I will shortly.  Then it was just the usually.  School and being busy.  Nothing really sticks out to me.  Oh, we are playing sports now.  There's four teams, there's the Blue House (mine and Mr. Cabanas' team), Red House (the Landeros' team), White House, and Green house.  There's two teachers for each team.  I made the schedule for the year and they play futbol (soccer), volleyball, basketball, and softball.  This goes all they way 'til the end of March.  Then we have a sports day in April to conclude it.  Games are played on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  There's actually like 8 teams because we split up girls and guys.  Then there's actually like 32 teams because there's 4 different sports being played.  Yeah, its pretty crazy and will last a long time.  I really don't feel like a "coach" but more of like a "ref" for the games because not too many teachers are interested in sports. 

Last weekend was nice.  I finally got my package from home!!!!  It was so wonderful.  Lots of goodies and delicacies of home.  Like dried bananas and granola bars.  =D  Many more things too.  OOHH!!  Like my capo, thank you so much mum for the package, it was really nice and uplifting.  Then later on that day, Friday, I made a quick thank you video for PUC, and I was going to send it to them for vespers, but they said they wouldn't be able to show it so I didn't send it.  I'll try and make it better before I send it.  But it was fun to make and it's quite funny if I do say so myself.  I'll add a picture at the end so you can just get an idea.  Then Sabbath School was nice, it's getting a lot better.  I'm really excited about our youth group at the church, but I'll talk about that in a little bit. 

This past week has been a little rough.  I've just been so unmotivated.  I'm so exhausted in every way.  Physically, mentally, etc.  I really don't feel like going into too much detail about it up here, but I'm so exhausted.  I can really use a break.  Praise God that one is almost here, but I have to make it there.  One really fun thing that happened this week was Thursday night, some students invited Kelly and I to play futbol (soccer) with them against some older guys from the village and the village's field.  We went and played for like an hour and a half!  Oh my, I haven't ran that much in a long time.  I played middle center so I had the whole field to run.  I was impressed with how we did.  These are older guys and we kept up.  We ended it 2-2 as a tie, because people were starting to get upset and it had been long enough.  It was a lot of fun and a good way to show the students that we care about them and to be known more in the community.

Sabbath yesterday was nice.  It was children's day so the children led out the church service.  It was cute and nice.  We have a lot of kids here now.  When I first got here there was only a children's Sabbath School Class, now there's the little ones, Juniors, and Youth!!  I'm not taking credit for it at all, I'm just saying we got a lot of children since I've been here.  Yesterday, in our Youth Class it was great.  Kids are starting to talk more and ask for clarification and it's so great to see and hear.  The church is growing and moving forward.  It's so wonderful.  Also, our Youth Class is going to lead out in the Sabbath School portion before quarterly review in the church.  We're doing a little skit type thing and getting the kids involved.  We gave positions yesterday and ran through it once.  I'm excited, it was a lot of fun.  I'm actually more excited about the Youth class than school right now.  It's more what I've come here to do.  Not teach about Math and Science, but God!!  I like the freedom and variety that I can do with the Youth too.  Well I should be going, got church in a few minutes.  Sorry it's been a long time, I'll try and blog more often.  Thanks for reading, your prayers, and cares.  God Bless.  Oh, and if you want to help in anyway let me know.  Even if it's a nice little encouraging message.  =P 


  1. been a while since u posted...i just got caught up on everything...i'm not surprised that you're exhausted dude. i get stressed out just being a student. you have to teach! not to mention the fact that you're living with what we would normally consider very little. suck it up and plow through the rest of this school're gonna have the time of your life during break! man-date soon, via skype...later.

  2. Dude You're doing amazing things!!! I know what you mean about needing a break. Different circumstances of course, but with me studying abroad soon there is so much work for me to do on top of my school work. Life is tough. Keep trusting God. He can give you the strength you need. He's there for you and the best part is, He's proud of you. You're doing an awesome thing over there Matt. You're treasure is being stored up in heaven. We love you and can't wait to see you and hear all your stories. It sounds like you're having an incredible experience over there. Keep pushing forward and kick some futbol tail!!!


    and yes it ends abruptly like that. and no exclamation point. It's too normal. And WE are not normal.

  4. Thanks guys, yours the best. :D Alright, seriously, thanks guys it's nice to hear from you. And yes Tyler, man-date, probably should do it by Tuesday. I'm out of here Wednesday and I don't think I'll be free the rest of that time. ;) Caleb that's right, you're going to Australia. When you leaving for that? When do you get back?
