Saturday, October 9, 2010


Here are some miscellaneous stories or happenings that I haven't sure and that has happened somewhat recently.  I can't think of a way to combine them all, so here they are.

Last week, Saturday evening, I went into my house and I hear a creature running along my floor and can see a figure moving.  Instantly before I turned on the light I said to myself, "Aawww man, not another one!"  Yep, you guessed it, it was another tarantula.  My goal is never to kill them, I just want to get them out of my house.  When I turned on the light it stopped and huddled up near a plastic bag.  I got the great idea of trying to get him in the plastic bag.  But he took off in the other direction towards my open door and I was alright with that, but then he turned around and started heading back in and towards my bed.  He was about six feet in and I had enough of it so I went into action.  I've been playing a little bit of futbol, so I put what I've learned into action.  I kicked the tarantula and I never saw it again.  It went flying out of my house.  I thought it was kind of funny, but I got him out and I didn't kill him to my knowledge.  At least his body wasn't in my house. 

With the school now, there's a lot to do.  The principal went to a lot of principal meetings and he's trying to implement what he's learned.  Which is great!  But he's trying to do them all at once instead of one at a time and that's setting it up for failure.  It's really frustrating.  But then I found out we're trying to get money from government and we have to have some of these requirements.  Some though, not all of them.  I still believe he needs to decide what is most important, get those down, and then start adding new things, one at a time.  Otherwise the ones who work the most and hardest get exhausted and those that don't just get seen in the mass as not getting everything done and get away with not working as hard.  That's a little drama and difficulty happening here, but I have a three day weekend so I'll be able to hopefully get a lot of work done.  Even though I don't want to. =P

The crusade is going alright.  There is a decent amount showing up so praise God!!  The speaker is supposed to be speaking about God's love and is starting to talk about Prophecy which is interesting.  He really isn't ready for that and in January we are having another crusade and that speaker is going to be talking about Prophecy.  All in all, I think we need to remind him what his topic is suppose to be.  Now he said to the people that he was going to talk about Prophecy, but I think he should go back about God's love, because he presents it in a confusing way, and repeats a lot, and misses some important things. 

These are just some things going on.  I'm happy this morning.  Happy Sabbath to all!  Sorry the last two paragraphs were so happy funny stories, but it's my life here, there's a lot of difficulties.  But it's a nice sunny, cool Sabbath morning and I'm happy I don't have to work today.  =D  I get to relax!  Thank you all for reading, for your support, and prayers.  May God bless and have a wonderful Sabbath, or day, depending on when you read this. =P 

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