Sunday, September 5, 2010


Not really that epic but it sounds cool.  Last night, I was going into my house to grab my bucket and stuff to get cleaned up.  I got my bucket first and starting to fill it because the water just trickles and it takes a while.  I went back into my house to get my stuff, and something catches my attention in the corner of my eye.  Right next to my shoes is a nice, hairy, six inch tarantula! I really didn't like it.  I wasn't scared, it was just like, oh man, now I have to deal with that.  Now, I didn't want to kill it.  It was late, the Landeros were sleeping and I don't have a broom.  For my doorstop I use a piece of wood that's about a foot and a half long.  I decided I would try to use that to scare it out.  It started to head to the door, but then it darted back at me and I really didn't like that.  I tried to scare it out again but it went back by my shoes.  I decided there was no hope, and I really didn't want to sleep knowing that there was a tarantula somewhere running around; I had to terminate it.  The piece of wood I had was pointed which was useful. (read in an intense manly voice) So I went in for the jab,  the nasty monster took a hit and was paralyzed for a second.  I retrieved my weapon from the victim to take another jab, but it ran off. I took off a leg but that was it.  He coward underneath my recliner chair that's in my house.  (normal voice) Then I remember I was filling up my bucket so I had to go run and turn that off. (back to manly voice) I get back looking for my victim.  I start moving the chair ready to be attacked at any moment by this villian.  Yet the coward was right next to my hammock, with his back to me.  I would not let him enjoy the thought of even being able to touch my precious.  I went in for the sneak attack.  Direct hit!  I spun around with the blade still in his body, then I went for the final blow.  Sweet sweet victory was mine!  Bring it on, creatures.  I can take you all!  Battle Royal!!

Annnnnnnnnd scene.  I haven't done too much today.  Just planned for the week.  As you can tell, I decided to have a little fun with that experience and sharing it with.  Other than that, just chilling.  Hope you enjoyed my little story.  Peace.


  1. Wow what a night time experience! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading it while eating my oats with banana and listening to a little Radin. I think I'll hire you as my bug getter ridder of(er?)! I'll pay you with butterfly kisses! <3<3

  2. Ok Matthew...I've written two comments and am not seeing them show up. I think I may be doing something wrong. Have you gotten them?


  3. Yay! I guess I figured it out! Anyway, I love reading about your adventures!! Sounds like such a different life than we have here! I'm SO happy that you got yourself a hammock! How perfect for you! You are sure learning some of the difficult lessons of being a teacher! Guess all kids are pretty similar. They will challenge you in every way. I love how you are just giving it all over to God. It will be hard to remember to do as our human nature always wants to take over. But always remember that God will not let you fail. He will let you struggle tho, but He will guide you through it. Does Danielle have a blog? I'd love to keep up on her adventures as well.

    I'll be going down to Loma Linda with Randi next Wednesday to get her moved in before she starts school the next week. It's going to be lonely around here again. It feel weird not having someone up at WWU.

    Well, take care and know that you are in my prayers!

    Ronda (your other mother)

  4. I read this story last night, and tried not to think about it too much so I wouldn't have nightmares!!! I imagine that tarantula guts are pretty nasty. I was lucky as an SM... Mariangel killed all of the nasty bugs for me! Have you had any adventures with ants or cockroaches yet?

  5. Thanks Ronda. I messaged you on facebook just in case you don't read this. Yes Danielle does have a blog too, it's the only blog I'm following. If you ever get too lonely, you can come visit down here. ;) And Sarah, yeah I've gotten bit by some ants, they sting those little buggers, and yeah I killed a couple cockroaches. No biggie.
