Saturday, September 4, 2010

Another Week

Hello again to everyone!!

So much has happened since I have blogged last. Oh my, ok where to begin? Alright, last weekend. So Sabbath was nice and peaceful, got a book from the school library and read and took a nap. The next day I went to Guatemala with the Landeros. My goal was to get a hammock. Goal accomplished. ;) I got it for $30 Belizean which is $15 US and it’s a nice one person one. I napped it today finally. But yeah I got back from Guatemala and then finally started my laundry late that night.
Then the week took a bad turn. Devil started attacking hard. It made me realize that I want and wish and long for someone to enjoy and experience all these new things with. And then it got worse. One of the teachers wife was expecting to have a baby. She went to the hospital and some complications happened and the baby didn’t make it. We still don’t have a new teacher so it gives us more work and still some of the classes aren’t being able to be taught. Then I found out I need some paperwork that says I have an equivalent to an Associate’s Degree, which I don’t have. I mean I do have the equivalence, but I don’t have a degree. So that’s a lot that happened. But I think the Devil is attacking hard because great things are going to happen here! God is great, and these are just some of the hardships that come along the way.
The School
And there’s even more with the students. But I need to be careful how I view everything. God is good, and everything is possible and fun and enjoyable with him. With one class I have to be a little strict to keep them in line, and I really don’t like it. Hopefully this weekend I can find or think of another idea and another way to teach to make it more fun for them to learn and for me to teach. Then with the 4th formers, the copy each other’s homework. I had eight papers turned into me, and there are only two papers to grade. Meaning I’m not going to grade them at all. It’s so disappointing. But it was a little fun to see their expressions after they took their Biology test and I put a bonus question on the board if answered thoughtfully. The question was, “If you were a teacher and your entire class copied their homework, how would you discipline them, and how would you fix the issue?” I think it let them know I know what’s up and I’m going to do something about it. And that it is unacceptable.
It was nice not to have to worry about all that today. I really enjoy Sabbath. I got to take a nap in my hammock like I said, but it was so hot!! And I’ll have to start working on solving problems and grading and preparing for the week tomorrow. But tonight I think I’ll stay up a little bit and see if I can talk with Danielle and bucket it up. Oh, and I should post some pictures.

My House
My Bed
Bath house (not my bucket though)

My Table Dresser
Double Rainbow!!


  1. Hi Matt,
    That hammock sure sounds relaxing! Great pictures--looks pretty primitive. Way to go with your teaching and disciplining!
    Praying for you,
    Mrs. J

  2. Matthew!! I am so so so so so excited to hear more about your life and how it's been for you and WOW you are a clever one with that bonus question! I told Annika, one of the other girls here and she says that you are very smart. :) I'm happy to see your living arrangements. Is your hammock really colorful? I don't know if you'll check this soon but I think we should switch from emails to facebook messages. My PUC account rarely loads. I love you!!!

  3. Well thanks Jenson ladies. =D The hammock is comfortable, unfortunately it isn't really colorful. I know I was bummed a little bit too but it was a really good deal. I'll probably get another one that is bigger at some point while I'm here I figured, that one will have to be colorful. =P Thanks, I need to talk to the Principal though today how I should handle this. That's one thing I need to start doing more than just taking everything into my hands. I also ask Kelly for his input, but I need to talk to the Principal and let him know what's up. Danielle, sounds great lets use facebook. I already sent you a message. I love you too!!!

  4. Wow, I wish I could visit you! It looks beautiful there. You lucky duck got to go to Guatemala, too!!! Glad you could go :-) How are things looking for Christmas? We'll have to get your visa ready if you can come with us. On another note, very sad to hear about the teacher's wife. Very sad to also hear that your students are copying each other's work, but I laughed really hard when I read your bonus question! I would have liked to see video footage of their faces! Way to go, bro! Keep up the good work. We're praying for you!!!

  5. Oh, for Christmas, I don't think I'll have enough funds unfortunately. That's a lot of money and I have to fly back to the States first to get a flight to Brazil. And thanks, it was fun to give them the bonus question. It was a little hard not to laugh. I've had more moments like that too were I just get to the staff room and have the biggest grin on my face and chuckle.

  6. See, isn't being a teacher fun?!! Sad to hear you can't come to Brazil :-( Let me know if plans change! Praying for you, bro.

  7. Hi Matthew, Cousin Tami from Chattanooga. When your parents were here, they we so thrilled about your adventure and gave everyone the blog info. Incredible and cool. Love the descriptions and pictures. Such a blessed gift your giving the kids. Bless you and hope you continue an amazing adventure! Blessings, PS have your parents email me. Thanks!

  8. That was a very good bonus question. Did any of them answer? Keep putting jokes into life. It's more fun :)
